Friday 29 April 2011

Say Hello to Electronic Advertising(thomas ting 126210)

I am the marketing student who never take any advertising paper before. So,electronic advertising is the first advertising paper that I taken in this semester. Hmmm..What I had learn from electronic advertising in this semester? I  still remember that during the first class, Puan Nurin share her experience to us about the challenges of doing the business. She encourage us, when we doing the business, there are don't have any fail just have stop and continued. Thus, we will successful in one day just depend of our action and speed.

The best thing in electronic advertising class is Puan Nurin asked us to form a group and create a advertising agency. Wow, so amazing .cool. I had the great experience and memories in this group assignment because I got a chance to cooperate with the students from communication. They are so creative in designing. Show the respect to them.haha.

Oh ya..suddenly appear in my mind. Puan Nurin also share with us about the four career in our life .which is employee ,self employee, boss, and the investor. A good sharing ..hope that I can become a boss or investor one day.

Before take electronic advertising,  I always think that the cost of advertising in magazine is cheaper than tv commercial. But, after attend this class, I were understand that the cost in advertising is high or low is depend on the rate of audience who will receive the information from advertising in particular time. Therefore, sometimes the cost of adverting in magazine is high than tv commercial because the rate of audience who will receive the message from magazine is low compare to the tv commercial.

Further, after Puan Nurin show us the advertising in the magazines. I was attracted  by the posters in the magazines. The poster inside the magazines are so nice and full of creative in design. In the other hand, we also learn about the creative pyramid which is 1.attention, 2.interest ,3.credibility, 4.desire,5. action . we used this concept in our poster ,brochure ,and flyers design in our group assignment.

Last but not least, I never create and write any blog before this. So, I feel great and enjoyable when doing this blog assignment. This assignment is very special for me.

Generally, the lesson was given by Puan Nurin make me feel enjoyable. The best thing is I gain the new knowledge in advertising  which I never gain in my marketing paper.

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